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Floral Letter

cake smash photo birthday photo prop birthday floral letter flower letter baby name sign girl nursery decor girl
baby name sign nursery name sign nursery sign floral letter flower letter
floral letter flower letter nursery name sign nursery letter girl room decor dorm name sign
floral letter flower letter flower wall art nursery name decor baby shower decor floral bridal shower decor
floral letter flower letter girl nursery decor girl flower wall decor
floral letter flower letter nursery wall art nursery name sign baby name sign baby shower decor bridal shower decor boho nursery shabby chic nursery
pregnancy announcement idea announcement photo prop maternity photo prop floral letter baby girl announcement gender reveal photo idea
newborn photo shoot prop first birthday photo prop 1st birthday photo cake smash photo prop floral letter flower letter boho nursery boho baby outfit
first birthday photo prop 1st birthday photo floral letter flower letter decor
floral letter flower letter nursery decor blush nursery blush decor
floral letter flower letter girl nursery decor
newborn photo prop milestone photo idea floral letter flower letter baby name sign girl nursery decor girl
floral letter flower letter boho nursery pink girl room decor
girl nursery decor wall art floral letter
floral name sign girl name sign baby name sign flower letter
floral letter boho letter flower letter baby name decor
floral letter flower letter bridal shower decor bride photo shoot bridal shower gift custom floral letter wedding letter
lavender nursery decor girl nursery decor
coral and navy girl nursery decor coral nursery aqua nursery
blush and mauve decor blush pink nursery bridal shower decor floral bridal shower floral baby shower sign
shabby chic nursery decor blush nursery floral letter flower letter bridal shower decor
lavender nursery decor gold nursery floral letter baby shower floral theme
wedding monogram decor reception sign last name decor floral letter
pink room decor floral letter wall sign
coral wall art floral letter baby girl room decor
floral letter flower letter nursery decor shabby chic decor boho chic
boho wall decor custom name sign floral letter flower letter succulent decor
bridal shower decor engagement photo shoot prop engagement prop wedding reception sign
bridal shower decor baby shower decor baby name sign floral letter
blush nursery decor baby name art baby name sign nursery wall decor
rose gold nursery decor rose gold room decor rose gold name sign baby name decor
girl room decor wall art teen girl wall art custom wall art floral letter
floral letter lavender room decor lavender decor lavender nursery wall art
purple nursery mauve nursery floral letter flower letter jewel tone nursery decor
floral letter flower letter pink and cream decor pink and white baby shower decor
baby name sign baby name decor baby name wall art
wedding initials wedding monogram bridal shower decor baby shower decor birthday party floral decor
event sign event decor company party sign company event decor business sign boutique sign
company wall art business wall art boutique decor boutique wall art business name sign
baby shower decor baby shower initials baby name sign floral letter blush nursery
floral letter flower letter
newborn photo prop milestone photo idea floral letter flower letter baby name sign girl nursery decor girl
pink nursery decor baby name art baby name decor floral letter
girl birthday decor birthday girl decor birthday banner birthday sign letters floral letter flower letter
shabby chic nursery shabby chic name sign shabby chic wall art blush nursery
milestone photo idea milestone pictures floral letter flower letter photo prop newborn photo prop
nursery wall decor girl nursery decor lavender nursery art
& sign decor floral letter flower letter wedding letters wedding initials
pastel baby room decor pastel nursery pastel baby shower rainbow pastel decor pastel rainbow art rainbow nursery rainbow baby decor rainbow baby photo
boho nursery decor floral wall flower wall art floral letter flower letter
floral letter boho wall decor boho nursery boho baby shower boho bridal shower
pink and gold nursery pink and gold baby shower pink and gold shower
girl floral letter girl wall art peach decor peach nursery blush nursery boho nursery
bridal shower decor wedding shower decor engagement party decor wedding monogram floral letter
baby announcement photo baby gender reveal photo floral letter its a girl photo prop
floral letter flower letter shabby chic decor lavender birthday floral birthday
aqua birthday decor mermaid birthday decor floral birthday decor mermaid theme decor
floral letter flower letter mauve and blush decor baby girl shower baby shower decor floral birthday theme
newborn photo prop milestone photo prop milestone photo idea newborn pictures blush nursery decor girl
girl monogram decor wall monogram baby girl monogram wall monogram decor custom monogram
wedding decor reception decor bridal shower decor engagement party decor floral bridal shower tea party shower theme
blush nursery decor girl nursery wall art
neutral nursery decor gender neutral nursery wall decor floral letter
blush pink nursery decor blush and white decor blush baby shower
blush nursery decor blush pink art custom baby shower decor sign
shabby chic nursery floral theme baby shower floral baby shower floral bridal shower floral letter flower letter
blush pink nursery decor blush pink and sage green decor floral letter
lavender decor mauve decor girl room decor lavender nursery mauve nursery purple nursery purple wall art girl room decor name sign
shabby chic nursery decor wall art baby name sign
bridal shower decor baby shower decor birthday girl decor floral theme
boho wall art boho nursery decor boho bridal shower boho baby shower boho birthday decor boho photo shoot prop
baby name sign over the crib name sign name reveal sign floral letter flower letter girl name sign
baby shower decor bridal shower decor floral letter flower letter baby name sign
baby shower decor bridal shower decor floral letter flower letter baby name sign
baptism letter baptism decor white baptism party decor baptism reception sign
flower letter floral letter nursery decor blush nursery floral nursery
floral letter flower letter mauve nursery blush nursery bridal shower gift baby shower gift
floral letter blush nursery decor blush pink decor nursery name sign
Love Sign love decor love wall art love wedding sign love nursery sign love room decor love shower decor floral letters baby name sign
baby name decor girl name decor girl name sign floral letter
blush nursery mauve nursery blush pink nursery decor girl name sign baby shower decor floral birthday decor
floral letter flower letter girl nursery decor girl flower wall decor
floral letter decor girl initials baby initials wall monogram floral monogram baby monogram
sunflower party theme sunflower birthday sunflower room decor sunflower decor flower letter
floral letter flower letter boho nursery boho bridal shower boho baby shower girl name sign
blush baby shower theme blush wall decor blush nursery baby name sign bridal shower decor baby shower decor floral baby shower
purple baby shower purple nursery mauve nursery boho nursery peony wall art peony wall decor flower wall decor
purple baby shower purple nursery mauve nursery boho nursery peony wall art peony wall decor flower wall decor
blush baby shower blush nursery mauve nursery boho nursery peony wall art peony wall decor flower wall decor
purple baby shower purple nursery mauve nursery boho nursery peony wall art peony wall decor flower wall decor
blush pink name sign blush pink wall decor flower wall art floral monogram baby shower initials baby shower monogram floral baby shower first birthday sign
purple baby shower purple nursery mauve nursery boho nursery peony wall art peony wall decor flower wall decor
floral letter flower letter blush pink nursery flower birthday party floral birthday party girl birthday girl party decor girl room art
lavender nursery silver nursery custom flower wall art custom baby name sign girl room decor girl name sign
tropical birthday decor tropical party decor tropical theme party Hawaiian party decor Hawaiian theme decor Hawaiian floral decor birthday girl decor
blush pink nursery decor blush pink wall art blush pink name sign baby shower decor baby shower gift custom name sign baby shower sign baby name reveal
floral letter flower letter blush pink nursery blush nursery decor shabby chic nursery
baby name sign nursery sign crib sign crib decor nursery decor floral letter wall letters flower wall
baby name sign nursery sign crib sign crib decor nursery decor floral letter wall letters flower wall
lavender and pink nursery baby shower decor boho baby shower boho birthday party floral birthday party decor first birthday party
lavender nursery wall art girl wall decor girl wall art baby girl nursery lavender
girl wall art floral wall art flower wall art floral nursery floral room decor floral baby shower floral birthday decor
flower letter floral letter peach nursery yellow nursery blush nursery boho nursery
blue floral party decor girl birthday party floral birthday navy wedding flowers navy wedding decor blue wedding flowers something blue decor
floral initials flower monogram monogram decor girl monogram floral letters flower letters
lavender nursery floral nursery flower nursery flower wall art flower wall name sign letters
floral letter nursery decor girl name sign
purple nursery plum nursery floral letter nursery decor girl name sign
baby girl wall art floral wall flower wall decor floral letter flower letter name sign
blush and mauve nursery decor flower letter floral letter boho decor bridal shower decor baby shower decor floral shower
floral letter name sign flower letter name sign baby girl name sign
lavender nursery mauve nursery blush nursery boho wall decor boho decor bridal shower decor custom bridal shower sign
rose decor peony decor floral decor flower letter floral letter flower wall art
blush nursery decor blush flower wall blush name sign pink name decor girl name sign flower letter
wildflower nursery theme wildflower decor shabby chic decor floral letter
rainbow nursery decor rainbow baby art girl rainbow baby flower letter
yes to the dress sign I said yes sign engagement photo prop engagement prop proposal ideas wedding sign floral letter
floral letter flower letter neutral nursery boho nursery boho bridal shower boho baby shower fall baby shower fall bridal shower fall wedding
floral letter nursery letter baby shower decor baby shower sign baby shower gift
baby shower decor baby shower gift birthday girl birthday decor photo prop blush nursery letter
floral letter flower letter nursery name sign girl name sign flower wall name sign
Floral Letter
floral letter flower letter nursery decor floral nursery birthday girl decor floral birthday party theme
newborn photo prop milestone photo idea floral letter flower letter baby name sign girl nursery decor girl
floral letter flower letter girl nursery decor girl flower wall decor
Moana birthday decor tropical birthday party decor tropical party decor Hawaiian decor girl birthday sign
floral letter flower letter bridal shower decor bride photo shoot bridal shower gift custom floral letter wedding letter
floral letter flower letter birthday girl photo shoot birthday photo prop first birthday photo prop 1st birthday party decor
girl name decor nursery name decor girl nursery decor girl floral letter flower letter
newborn photo prop floral letter flower letter twin name decor name decor for twins
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter
Floral Letter

This beautiful customized 15", 19" or 24" tall floral letter or number is a perfect decoration for a bridal shower, wedding decor, wedding reception, baby shower, nursery decor, personalized gift, birthday party, cake table, photo shoot prop, baptism, or sorority event!  These letters are made on 1/4” thick wood so they are durable pieces designed to keep forever. All letters are a block style / Arial font.


1) Select if you’d like flowers only or flowers with succulents. Succulents are larger faux plantlike greenery elements (greenery sprigs are complimentary if desired).
2) Select your letter, or number.  If you need multiple letters you can add each one to your cart before checking out.
3) Write the color scheme of your choice. Feel free to attach photos or links of items or colors you would like us to match. Due to availability, we cannot guarantee particular flower types will be available.

**IF REQUESTING AN ITEM TO LOOK LIKE THE LISTING -- Due to the handmade nature of this item and flower availability, it may not look identical to the photo. We will use exact colors and flowers, when possible, to re-create a specific look.

DIMENSIONS: We offer 15", 19" or 24" in height (measured from the tips of the petals) and these range between 10-16" wide, depending on the letter or number. **IF YOU NEED A LARGER SIZE** Contact us for a quote!  We can make any size up to 48" tall!  

HANGING: It includes a sawtooth style picture hanger on the back for hanging.

SHIPPING: In shipping each item is packaged carefully in tissue paper and thick bubble wrap inside a custom-sized box to protect it. All items come with tracking information and insurance. Processing time is 3-10 business days.   If you need it sooner select the "Rush Order" option at check out. 

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Based on 31219 reviews
Mollie Welch
This is my second order and I am even more in love with my...

This is my second order and I am even more in love with my Play Time!! Looks amazing in my girls playroom and is so well made! Customer service was so helpful in making sure I got the correct sizes and the turn around was super fast! Love this store!! 🥰

Mollie Welch
This is my second order and I am even more in love with my...

This is my second order and I am even more in love with my Play Time!! Looks amazing in my girls playroom and is so well made! Customer service was so helpful in making sure I got the correct sizes and the turn around was super fast! Love this store!! 🥰

Mollie Welch
This is my second order and I am even more in love with my...

This is my second order and I am even more in love with my Play Time!! Looks amazing in my girls playroom and is so well made! Customer service was so helpful in making sure I got the correct sizes and the turn around was super fast! Love this store!! 🥰

Mollie Welch
This is my second order and I am even more in love with my...

This is my second order and I am even more in love with my Play Time!! Looks amazing in my girls playroom and is so well made! Customer service was so helpful in making sure I got the correct sizes and the turn around was super fast! Love this store!! 🥰

Mollie Welch
This is my second order and I am even more in love with my...

This is my second order and I am even more in love with my Play Time!! Looks amazing in my girls playroom and is so well made! Customer service was so helpful in making sure I got the correct sizes and the turn around was super fast! Love this store!! 🥰

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